Last updated: March 11th 2023

  1. Be respectful to other members. Do not use abusive, profane, or derogatory language towards other members.
  2. No spamming or self-promotion. Do not post irrelevant or unsolicited content, or promote your own products or services.
  3. Stay on topic. Stick to the forum’s subject matter and do not deviate into unrelated topics.
  4. Do not post offensive content. This includes posts or links that are sexually explicit, racist, sexist, or otherwise discriminatory in nature.
  5. Do not post copyrighted material. Respect the intellectual property of others and do not post copyrighted material without permission.
  6. Do not share personal information. Protect your privacy and do not share your personal information or that of others.
  7. Report any violations. If you see any violations of these rules or terms, report it to the forum moderators immediately.